Calling any Chemical Engineers......


I'm looking for a safe way to strip SiO2 from an Al substrate. Anyone have any experiance with an H2SO4:H2O2 method of cleaning? I work in Semiconductor and found that a Chineese company has found a way of doing it but are not so forthcoming with the solution. Any help will be taken.


So I put "strip SiO2 from Al with H2SO4 H2O2" in my search engine and got a lot of info. One sight in particular was pretty thorough
You might hafta go through your own google because the link didn't work for me the first time I posted it.
When I first clicked on it, I got the "this screen can't be displayed thing", but don't let them fool ya, after a few attempts, I got to see it.
Maybe?? Just maybe??


I tried the link quite a few time with no good end result. Then I googled the the same phrase you posted... no luck. I've spent a about two weeks looking for an absolute solution but I mostly get alot of convoluted info. It's starting to drive me nuts. Somtimes I wish I never got this project. But with the super power Intel driving me I now have no choice.
Is there another way to get to the site you posted??
Thanks for your help. I'm in debt.


Active Member
That link worked for me but you can try the main site scientificdotnet and go from there.