came back to marine after 1 year


hey everyone my name is david i start a new tank around about 13 weeks ago its a fish only with live rock coral sand. no corals i have 3 damlesfish 1 royal dotted back and last week i added a bicolour angle and only lasting 5 min in my tank. my water was all good then today i added a tamato clownfish and its been swimming up down in the same place and swimming around tank fast i think it can see it self thats why its swimming so close to the glass going up and down. i hope i live in australia where bicolour and hardy fish here for some reson my tank is 48 gallons and yeah my ph level drop today when did water change can stop one tell me if i doing it all right ph drop to 7.8 thanks david merry xmas to you all


Hi. Please post the following water parameters.
Specific Gravity
Also, what are you using for water flow?


hi my test ammioina 0 nitrite0 nitrate 0 ph 8 carbonate hardness kh 160ppm phosphate .50 calcuim 340ppm sainity 33g/l