Camera Recommendations


Active Member
Ok, I was just trying to take some pics of my tank, but my camera sucks! its only a kodak 6.1 or whatever. So, if I were to start looking at new cameras what brand would you suggest? Canon? The camera we have now works fine for pictures of people, etc., so I just need to upgrade to something that can take good close ups. Thanks..


That all depends on how much you want to spend, if you have the cash, I'd personally go with a DSLR, with an external flash and a macro lens, but with that sort of setup your probably looking at $1000.00 on the cheap end.....


Active Member
Well, 1,000 might be pushing it a little bit....unless I let the wife by a new couch
....but I'm thinking more the 6-700 range.


Well for that range, you can get a DSLR, with no macro lens and no external flash, or a cheap knock off on the external flash. By getting the external flash, you can bounce it around the glass, so your pics will come out much better, you may not need a macro lens


Active Member
Nikon D40 is a fantastic camera, search around and you can find package deals with tripod, bag, camera and a basic lens for $500...I used my D40 to take this photo.


Active Member
I should add that the basic lens was not used in the above image, if your serious about macro photography, the lens is more important than the camera body. This was taken with 105MM VR Macro, kinda $$$ but for the kinda photography work I do, it was the best option.


Yes i must say later down the road when my tank is that well going I will save up for a camera like that myself. BEcause like he said that is really nice pic man.


Active Member
As far as point and shoots go, or simple to operate cameras Fuji finepix are nice, Or the new Sony CyberShots


Active Member
Ive been using Sony Cybershot DSC-H10
Beleive it was 299.99 and with all the warratny and all that was like 500 smoething
Heres a couple pics Ive taken. Works great esp for the price



Active Member
Go with a DSLR. I'm a fan of Nikons, however cannon also makes good products. They each have their own fans. If you are looking in the 700 dollar range, I'd look for a used d-70 and try to find a micro lens with it. The standard micro lens for nikon is a 105 mm. With this nikon it isn't full frame, so when you use a 105 mm you end up getting around 150 mm zoom. Which is useful when shooting corals ect.


I have a Canon XT with macro. I would look for a used one and see what you find. The Canon XT is few generations old. You can get it for a good deal. It is a great camera