can a 44g reef support 4 shrimp?


Active Member
Now that I've finally got my water back under controll, I'm trying to plan out my critter list for my 44g reef. Can it support a pair of cleaner shrimp and a pair of blood/fire shrimp? I really enjoy watching shrimp, and they perform a great service to my tank... just not sure I can support 4 of them.
In a perfect world, this is what I hope to see happen. I don't think I'll have enough room, but we'll see how it goes:
2 cleaner shrimp - Lysmata amboinensis
2 blood/fire shrimp - Lysmata debelius
vairous hermits and snails
1 pair maroon clowns (white stripe) - Premnas biaculeatus
1 pair tricolor anthias - Pseudanthias kashiwae (having a hard time finding info on these... anyone know anything about them?)
1 pearl/yellow head jawfish
1 bicolor blenny - Ecsenius bicolor
1 royal gramma - Gramma brasiliensis
1 bubble tip anemone - Entacmaea quadricolor
1 gold maxima clam - Tridacna maxima
1 blue/purple maxima clam - Tridacna maxima
1 orange sun coral - Tubastrea faulkneri
1 black sun coral - Tubastraea micrantha
1 hammer coral - Euphyllia fimbriata
1 fox coral - Nemenzophyllia turbida
1 open brain coral - Trachyphyllia geoffroyi
1 colony green star polyp - Briareum sp.
1 colony mushrooms
1 colony waving hand anthelia - Anthelia sp.
1 umbrella toadstool mushroom - Sarcophyton sp.
1 yellow devils hand coral - Lobophytum sp.
Comments on this list (compatibility, difficulty, etc.) are welcome.


I don't see a problem with any of your "wish list". I would add the fish last, though, that way you can see just how much room you really have after all the corals and stuff. As far as the shrimp go, 4 shrimp for 44 gallons is fine.