Can a clown live happily with my three striped damsel?


New Member
I have a 29Gallon with 30 lbs live rocks. I have 1 3striped damsel, 2 hermits, and a 1 turbo snail. I was thinking about getting a clown fish. What do you think should I risk it? I really want to keep my damsel, being that he's my first fish. If I not a clown what else can I get for my tank?
Thanks alot for any answers.


I would think you would be ok, however, damsels can be very mean fish. I have never had a 3 striped damsel so I don't know much about their temperments. If they are like other damsels they could be hostile to your other fish. If you ever plan to keep some clowns or something along those lines you might just be better off to remove the damsel. Read up on the temperments and see how they act, you can always try.


New Member
Hi Moo
I think you'd be alright. 3 stripe damsels are the not the most aggressive of the damsel family. You might consider a Maroon Clown (male preferred) since they tend to be more aggressive and more likely to stand up to any harassment.
Good luck.


i have a 3 striped and a perc together. they are the only two fish i have in my tank right now. for the most part they get along pretty well except when the damsel gets moody or the perc hangs around the damsels side of the tank for an extended period of time. not all fish are the same though. you may have a damsel that is more agressive than others so its pretty much hit or miss. just a suggestion, i would suggest getting a few more snales and hermits. i have the same size tank and have 6 hermits 2 blue leg and 4 scarlet along with 6 astreas. they keep pretty good care of my tank getting all of the leftovers. i am planning on getting even more. just a suggestion though.


New Member
We have a 55 and 3 3-striped damsels and 2 false perc clowns, they get along fine and actually the clowns rule the tank. The only recommendation I would make not knowing the size of your 3-stripe is to rearrange the tank before adding the clown to confuse the damsel about his territory and try to get a clown of about the same size or a little larger. Good Luck.


My two clowns and damsels keep away from each other. The damsels actually chases it other more.