Can a coral be "full"?


Active Member
I have a candycane coral in my 55g under T5 4x54 lights. I have had it for several months and it seems very happy. When I first got it, it would extend long feeder tentacles when the lights went out. Here is a pic from a couple of months ago.

I feed this coral cyclopeeze 2-3 times per week. Lately I have noticed that it does not extend it's feeder tentacles very often or very far. It still eats and the coloring is still good, but I was wondering if something is wrong.
Thanks in advance. J


Active Member
do you have any fish that may be picking at it. they will survive fine without supplemental feeding they just wont divide as fast being they have good lighting


Active Member
I have a clown that is kind of "hosting" it. Also, there is always a snail or two on the "stem" (for lack of a better term).
It looks happy, just doesn't seem to want to "hunt" for food


My candycanes are doing the exact same thing, right down to the hosting clown.

My guess is its not hunting because its being fed well. Like any domesticated animal.