Can A CPR Bak-Pak Skimmer Clear Up Cloudy Water?


New Member
Pardon all, new guy here: Please excuse my noobyness, but I have a question.
I'm currently running a CPR Bak-Pak skimmer on a fifty gallon tall with just a power-head. I have 30 pounds of well cured Marshall Island LR piled high on about 10 pounds of base rock all on a fine sand bed. (20 pounds of LS.) Even with a pretty heavy bio-load (five fish and some inverts) in the small tank amazingly my water parameters are perfect, the fish are happy, but I would like to see a little better water clarity. Does anyone know if this hang on skimmer alone is enough to clear up the water eventually, or will I need some additional mechanical filtration. I’ve tried putting some Poly Filter in with the Bio-Bale, and although it did clean up the phosphates, it really hasn’t helped clear up the water.
Can I just put carbon pads in the outlet side of the skimmer or will I have to get a power filter for really clear water? The LFS told me the skimmer alone would be enough for a 50 gal FOWLR but to me the water looks a little cloudy although it tests well. I'd really rather not have anything else hanging on this tank if it can be helped, but I want clear water.
Any advice welcome.


Active Member
Hmm, interesting that the LFS told you the skimmer would clear up cloudy water.... I was not aware of this, to a degree, I would think it will some, but not crystal clear by any means. Skimmers take garbage out of the water column only, before its able to build up. Most poeple would say give it time, myself, I don't like time, it takes to long, therefore I use a Canister Filter with the tank in a closed loop. Its an Ocean Clear Canister, and capable of filtering 1600gph with a micron filter. CRYSTAL CLEAR water, one hour anfter stirring it up. Now you don't have to go that big, but some will tell you to use some sort of canister with a pad and carbon to polish the water from time to time. I clean my filter once a week as to not build up any trates whatsoever.