can a large clean up crew be added?


can a large clean up crew be added to a tanke thats only about 3 weeks out of its cycle? is there enough food to support it or will the crabs and snails have to be given alittle something

mr . salty

Active Member
Personally I would wait till there is something in the tank for them to eat(say 4-5 months)...Plus,these small/delicate inverts don't do well in such a young/unstabe tank...
yes i agree with MR. SALTY. you want to have food for your cleaning crew plus you want to wait to stabilize your tank. inverts are more sensitive to changes in the parameters, low trate levels are recommended too. i just added a few snails and a few camel back shrimp to my tank and it has been up and running for a good 2 months now, but there was algae on my l/r for them to eat, they are doing fine. just give it a little bit of time and you should be fine... :D