Can a mantis peacock shrimp go in agressive fish tank?


I am interested in buying a peacock mantis shrimp (odontodactylus) or a (gonodactylus platysoma) and I was wondering if one or the other could go in with a lion, eel, and clown trigger fish since these fish can hold their own because of their agressive nature? (75 gal acrylic) Thank you for all responces.
i think your talkin about the plain mantis shrimp.... although triggers are huge shrimp eaters, i think the mantis would win in a over night battle, think of it mantis shrimp are the meanest shrimp out there and triggers sleep in a rock(the shrimps "turf") and while that trigger is lodged into a rock i would bet money the shrimp would tear it a new one. as for that setup... i am assumming that you are putting those in a 75, you may have a small problem with the clown, just make sure you get a lot of rockwork...., but personally i wouldnt put a clown in a 75 along with those fish


I don't know didly squat about aggressive fish.
After seeing the "hunting" footage on this
link and seeing with my own eyes, a Mantis
destroying a fish the size of my fist at a
LFS, I would think the Mantis would win.
I mean, this thing slices a cray fish in
half to disable it... the thing is insane.


Thanks dlight692000 but I'm pretty sure of the names odontodactylus and gonodactylaceus.Their are many stomatopods in this family all with different common names i just was doing the research on the one's I thougth I might like in my tank. There about 40 different kind of "mantis shrimp" it's just hard to share the info on just which one your talking about without a pic to share with everyone! I think I will take your advice about the trigger ;), I forgot that they sleep in the rock. You have been very helpful. Hey bright idea if you go to a search on the web and type up "mantis shrimp" you will find just about any and all kinds of info on these critters and also some cool pics.
thank you all that reply!!


Active Member
I would not put a Mantis of any kind in with other fish. If you want one, set up a seprate tank for one. We had a peacock mantis, that we bought on purpose, he was awesome, but we had him in a 20gal by himself. Later Lisa


Thanks blueberryboomer, I think I'll just have to find some other kind of bottom dweller for my tank. Does anybody have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for all responces!!