Can A Snowflake Eel be Trusted???


Active Member
Ok, so I really want an eel in my tank, and I'm looking at the SFE...
However, I have a few concerns...
I have heard they are usually pretty timid and inexpensive eaters (aka, my fish should be safe), but I have my doubts...
For example, a guy working at my LFS told me about his SFE... He started out feeding it mysis and krill, but it began going after fish (and succeeding).
...He now feeds him rats (which can't be too healthy)...
I'm just worried about him getting to some of my more expensive fish, such as my Fridmani Pseudochromis, Flame Angel and my Longnose Hawkfish (I also have a massive BTA that I'm worried about, because I have read that SFE's occasionally swim into it, but it never leaves the rock it's currently on).
I just think an eel would be cool as hell to add in, especially since I can get a good deal on one... But I don't want him to turn into a

Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.


Active Member
mine wer nevr very mean, except to each other, just dont keep them w/ small inverts and they should be fine


mine hasn't caught any of my damsels yet, but they are quick little suckers. I haven't tried putting a shrimp in my tank, only because i know it would be dead, but my SFE only kills my hermits when they are out of their shell and trying to move into a bigger one. That only occurs every once in a while
I would think that your BTA and your eel would be fine, my SFE tends to stick to the bottom of my tank, so if your BTA is up high, then they should be ok together, but I would keep my eye on them.
I would also make sure you have a pretty stable aquascape. SFEs will burrow any chance they can get. it might help if you have some PVC pipe, it could minimize the burrowing.
As for your other fish, my eel shows its tank mates no interest when it is stuffed full of food, you should be fine as long as your eel is well fed too.
I hope this helps.


Mine has never even taken a nip/bite/angry look at any of my other fish even at feeding time. My 3 spot damsel even tries to take the food off the stick when I feed it, and it just ignores the fish and takes the food. I have pajama cardinals in with it, and a royal gramma as well. I don't know what to tell you about the BTA as I only have a FOWLR tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GRabbitt
Ok, so I really want an eel in my tank, and I'm looking at the SFE...
However, I have a few concerns...
I have heard they are usually pretty timid and inexpensive eaters (aka, my fish should be safe), but I have my doubts...
For example, a guy working at my LFS told me about his SFE... He started out feeding it mysis and krill, but it began going after fish (and succeeding).
...He now feeds him rats (which can't be too healthy)...
I'm just worried about him getting to some of my more expensive fish, such as my Fridmani Pseudochromis, Flame Angel and my Longnose Hawkfish (I also have a massive BTA that I'm worried about, because I have read that SFE's occasionally swim into it, but it never leaves the rock it's currently on).
I just think an eel would be cool as hell to add in, especially since I can get a good deal on one... But I don't want him to turn into a

Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
Rats...I really doubt this...I think he might be telling tall tales...
I am looking at adding an eel to an empty tank that I have so I have been reading on eels alot..It seems to be about like Triggers....Some are great and are very docile..But then again one day might snap and eat every tankmate...I say buy a small eel that is def. to small to eat your fish and you should be good...I doubt the eel would out grow them as they grow slow...
::Edit::....I just saw your fish list...I think maybe a gamble eith way...
Like said I am going to add one...(Mexican Dragon) and try to get the smallest one I can find with some bigger Triggers and Groupers.


Originally Posted by GRabbitt
Prk543, how often do you feed your SFE?

2-3 times a week, but you might need to feed once a day if your eel is smaller. Right now my SFE is is eating a shrimp (from the super market counter) every couple of days. It will let you know its hungry by swimming back and forth in front of the aquarium glass. You will also know when to stop feeding when you see that the food causes a bulge in it's stomach.