Can a starfish live with...


Can a starfish (chocolate chip) live with pepermint shrimp? What about clownfish? Snails?
Also, question about the pepermint shrimp. Are they difficult to maintain? I'm currently cycling.


Active Member
First off, you want to wait ideally several months before you put a starfish in a newly cycled tank. They are very sensitive to changes in a tank chemistry, and the tank needs months to settle down. Your specific gravity also needs to be about 1.025-1.026 for many of these animals.
How big is your tank?
Chocolate chip stars are a good choice for many tanks because they can be spot fed. Other stars can not be making them unsuitable for most except very large reef tanks (100+ gallons). BUT they can be fed because they are omnivores, and may eat things like snails, clams, scallops and other slow moving invertebrates. I tend to think it is unlikely they will eat shrimp, etc.


Active Member
i accidently put a starfish (chocolate chip starfish) in my tank after the tank cycled in a month and the star is living great and healthy now! No problems at all.


Active Member
It is not ideal. It may work sometimes, but certainly doesn't work for others. It is definitely not ideal and may cause trouble. If it can be done, it is best to wait, IMO.


How do you accidentally put a Starfish in your tank, Did one jump on your back when you were at a fish store, ride home with ya then jump in the tank at home by himself. LOL. Sorry no offense.


Active Member
our CC sucks every snail right out of their shell, if they are in the way of him :mad:
But thats what CC's do. Our peppermint has been the CC's tank mate for a long tme and will even eat the moliting.
We do spot feed the CC once or twice a week with a slice of shrimp.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 20Gallon
How do you accidentally put a Starfish in your tank, Did one jump on your back when you were at a fish store, ride home with ya then jump in the tank at home by himself. LOL. Sorry no offense.
This happens to me all the time. Or at least, I can dream....

sinner's girl

our CC sucks every snail right out of their shell, if they are in the way of him
Ditto. Our did it with every snail, knocked them of the glass and sucked thier heads. he went hunting for them and he was spot fed, that made no difference. He didn't get a chance to eat the peppermints (cbs ate them) but he didn't bother the camble back. Right now I have a CC star with a CBS without a problem.
Shouldn't bother any fish. shrimp aren't hard to keep if your water is good. Just make sure you have food for whatever you add. (I feed the cc star aglea and shrimp, the CBS gets the same)


When i first started my first tank i put a chocolate in on the first day and it survived. but it ate everyliving thing in the tank afterwards..


Active Member
Folks it's not about what "can" survive, it's about what's best.
The point is you shouldn't add stars to an improper tank.