Can a Tang be in a 10 gallon aquarium?

Kasra the Reefer

New Member
I have a 10 gallon(no fish in it yet) so have been seeing video of happy tang in 10 gallon tanks so have been wondering if I could put 1 in their with a clownfish.


Well-Known Member
Just because the fish fits in the tank doesn't mean it can be kept long term in that tank. There are no tangs that can be kept in a tank less than 4 feet long. A yellow like in your video will get to 5 or 6 inches long. It will be very stressed in that small space and eventually die from the effects of that stress.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. I qt fish in a 29 and thats small for tangs. However for the short qt time its ok. A ten gal wouldn't even qualify for a qt


Well-Known Member
what about this
I hate to say this, but you and the poster of that video are crazy. That was NOT an 8 year old tang. It barely took up any room in the tank, so I'm guessing it was a very young juvenile. An 8 year old tang is going to be at least 5"-6" long, and unless that tank was 24" long, it was a totally fake video. Sorry, but no one in their right mind is going to do that to a tang, yellow or any other tang. Just because something is on the web doesn't make it true. I truly hope it was someone pulling a prank while quarantining their baby tang in a QT tank...