can a torch coral sting a fish??


last night after coming home from a party i noticed that my unicorn tang was sleeping beside were my torch coral was but the torch was on the sand bed. after waken up this morning i seen that my unicron tang has white dots on him, so is it possible that he was stung.
here are pices anyways

and here is the torch coral its a lil rufed up b/c i moved it from the sand bed.

any help is greatly apperciated.


My fox facehits my torch all the time but never seems bothered by it. So I would say no. But that is me and what I have observed! Have the white spots cleared up yet?


Active Member
my frogspawn whacked me good yesterday and i had a nice couple dots (red, not white) for a while.
how old is the tang, what did you recently add to the tank?


the spots r disapearing now. the tang is about 4 years old. and the only recent thing i added to the tank were 2 cleaner shrimp.
thanks for all the help


Active Member
They can sting... Hopefully if it was a sting the tang will be smart enough to find a new place to sleep.