Can an anemone hurt a hermit crab?


Can an anemone hurt a hermit crab? I have this very bold and ambitious Blue-Leg who seems to be completely un-phased by my Haitian Purple Tip. The anemone is nestled in the crevasse of a piece of LR, and the crab will often climb around and over the rock in search of food or new shells. As he does this, the Haitian often raps a tentacle or two around the crab, who always seems to struggle free before too many tentacles get involved. He will sometimes get momentarily stuck, and I can see the anemone slowly exuding its stomach in the direction of the crab.
My question is, is the crab in any REAL danger, or will he ultimately always struggle his way out? He never seems that concerned about the anemone, and returns to it constantly.


I don't think it would.... don't go on my suggestion though... but I've read that there ok to put together... that the Hermit wont get too close to em.... but by expeirence, I don't know....


haha well mine gets REAL close. Just want to know if there is any chance he could get overpowered and eaten. what a way to go that would be...


My condi(purple tip) expelled scarlet legs a couple of weeks ago. I do not no if he got a hold of a molt or a live hermit, but I do know I seen a big ball of waste coming out of its mouth and it had scarlet red legs in it.


heres the pic, you can see the hermit crab up front with the blue legs, thats the one who keeps getting stuck!


I think he could and would if he got close enough.... but I don't know for sure, I know I'm not much help, but I do have to say that pic does look nice! have you asked anyone else like from the LFS or somewhere? but yeah that hermit looks like he'd make a good meal for that anemone....


Originally Posted by ccg24
I think he could and would if he got close enough.... but I don't know for sure, I know I'm not much help, but I do have to say that pic does look nice! have you asked anyone else like from the LFS or somewhere? but yeah that hermit looks like he'd make a good meal for that anemone....
Hey thanks! heres two more... Im proud of my first tank!



Yeah that looks nice.... I wish my anemone would have made it I lost an Anemone after I put em in my tank.... cause I wanted to watch my clowns brush up too.... but I don't know what went wrong.... the LFS that I bought him from said I couldn't kill em it was a Florida Condi, well he died in a wk and everything was fine all my water levels and my fish did ok after he died so and they still look good but nobody has been able to tell me why? I think it wasn't doin well from the start I picked one from the LFS that wasn't attached because I thought that would be better since I was worried about maybe damaging it's Basil Disc.... what do you think?


well I was told that it was a florida condi.... it looked like yours purple tips and kinda redish foot..... is that what yours is?


yep... thats what it looked like? How long did it take for yours to attach? mine wouldn't and he acted very irregular durring acclimation he'd shrink up and get big and I left him alone till he turned to goo and I took him out as soon as he started to reak of death


mine attached as soon as i put him in. he looks pretty bad sometimes too, when he deflates, but he always reinflates. never had him turn to goo


Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Vanquish, shoot me an email if you'd like to talk. jslok(at)comcast(dot)net
Thank you for the offer, I appreciate it. I have already sent an e-mail to another moderator however, and I don’t feel it would be appropriate to solicit any further at this point. It is probably just a lost cause any way… depressing. If you would like to communicate to me privately my e-mail is but I don’t think I have anything further to add that I haven’t already said.