Can any corals go with puffers?


I just got my aggressive tank started the water is established it was my brother in laws tank...My question is is there anything pretty that you can put in there with puffers and triggers? or will they just eat everything?...I have alot of stuff in my reef tank and 1 of the puffers and 1 of the triggers were in there for a long time and did fine other than the puffer ate 1 of my feather dusters...Thanks for any help you all can give.


Active Member
From what I understand the only reason they're considered not-reef-safe is that they eat inverts. They should be fine with coral, though you might want to just test it out with a small mushroom or zoanthid rock and see how things go.


Thank you I will give that a try...I have a few zoo's that aren't that great so I'll put those in there and see how it goes...Thanks

ric maniac

Active Member
its not that they eat soft corals, its the hard corals you have to worry about. they like to bite on rocks and stony corals to keep their "beaks" in the right condition.


I'm not an expert by any means, but from my experience, the only coral that puffers absolutely wont touch is xenia. I wasted a lot of money on polyps, mushrooms, and feather dusters before I got rid of my dogface.
I currently have a porcupine with xenia, colt, hammer, and mushrooms. Everything seems to be doing alright now, but I saw him bite at the mushrooms when I first got them. Also, he ate a frag of green star polyps and a feather duster while they were still in my hand, so I believe that they have a taste for those. If you are going to do anything, buy a small frag and test (for a few weeks) before buying a larger specimens.

shark bait

elephant ear is safe, and a brain might be ok ive seen them in the past.


Active Member
Hmmm . My dogface was good with mushrooms and zoo's for a long time and then one day he decided they were tasty . With in a week he cleared off every rock in the tank . As they coral was an after thought I let him go to town on it and kept the puffer .


Active Member
What kind of puffer, for the most part puffers will chew on anything. And that includes coral.


Well I had to give up the puffer because hubby wanted a shark so we are now the proud parents of a cat shark and we have another one on the way....we had the shark egg first and then found out later that the puffer would eat his eyes
so the puffer lives with my brother now...........thanks for all the replies!


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishylisa
Well I had to give up the puffer because hubby wanted a shark so we are now the proud parents of a cat shark and we have another one on the way....we had the shark egg first and then found out later that the puffer would eat his eyes
so the puffer lives with my brother now...........thanks for all the replies!
you understand that shark will reach 3+ feet in length? and will not be happy in a 75 or 90 gallon tank for more then a few months.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishylisa
Well I had to give up the puffer because hubby wanted a shark so we are now the proud parents of a cat shark and we have another one on the way....we had the shark egg first and then found out later that the puffer would eat his eyes
so the puffer lives with my brother now...........thanks for all the replies!

You need to do the responsible thing and give that shark and the one that is on its way back to whereever you bought it and do some research. They are not meant for a 75 gal nor a 90. Not even close. They tend to get 3 ft (36 in.) and a 75 gallon is 48 inches. I know a 90 isnt much bigger. Take it back.