Can anyone help me breed clownfish


New Member
If anyone have had breed clowns tell me. i just got a 75 gallon cycling. i want to try to breed some in my 29 gallon. so i can put them in the 75 if anyone can help that will be great. i'm going to get him a mate so they can pair up i had 4 clown fishes three died and i only one left


Active Member
Well, if your clowns are dying, I would work on keeping them alive first. No offense intended but rearing clown fry and juveniles is not easy and requires patience and work.
This is a large topic and is more than I can post in a few weblistings. I would HIGHLY recommend a book by Joyce D Wilkerson entitled "Clownfishes". It is a fantastic book for raising and breeding of clownfish. Easy to read and understand.
Good luck.