Can anyone I.D. this?


Active Member
Caulastrea echinulata, Caulastrea curvata or Caulastrea furcata, commonly known as, Candy Cane or trumpet coral...


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt.mama
I suggested that they told me "no" it has multple mouths on each head.are they hard to take care of?
ummmm, no. LOL they look a bit neglected but are very easy to care for. The presence of multiple heads is a good thing, meaning they are multiplying.


do they need spot feed ? they have it clear on the bottom of the tank , what about the multiple mouths? One of the people in the store told me it was some kind of mushroom.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt.mama
do they need spot feed ? they have it clear on the bottom of the tank , what about the multiple mouths? One of the people in the store told me it was some kind of mushroom.
NO NO NO they are very wrong.. you can spot feed them some mysis they will enjoy it. And they will also get most of what they need from the light.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt.mama
do they need spot feed ? they have it clear on the bottom of the tank , what about the multiple mouths? One of the people in the store told me it was some kind of mushroom.

HAHA i love how stupid some lfs people can be. definitely not a mushroom. I totally agree with everyone else in saying those are candy canes because thats what they r.


while i was studing it and questioning them ,I was the one who felt stupid .They were insulted! Because i questioned them and asured me it looked 100% better than it did 2 weeks ago,I cant imagine what the poor thing looked then.Next time Im in there should I tell them it needs to be higher in the tank? That will really make them happy!!!!!!!!!


what type of lighting do you have? i have a 75 gallon with 175MH and mine are sitting on the bottom and doing awesome.


I have a 14 gal bio-cube with stock lighting ,I am still learning what i can put in there and how to take care of the things I put in there.So I ask alot of dumb questions.Thanks you guys for helping me.


better to ask dumb questions then not asking any at all. But in the future you should consult on here before buying anything you don't know about. Will save alot of money, and deaths.


Ihavent bought anything , I was just wondering how much the lfs really knew about what they have .Thier corals are not named ,they are in a tank with the words"nano frags" above it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt.mama
Ihavent bought anything , I was just wondering how much the lfs really knew about what they have .Thier corals are not named ,they are in a tank with the words"nano frags" above it.
They will do just fine in your tank even on the bottom in the sand. I rescued mine about 4 months ago, barely had 2 recognizable heads on each piece and now I have 6 on one and 7 or 8 on the other. I too have a bio cube, 29 gal they are hardy and dont require a ton of light. Good luck.


Thanks , I'll keep this in mind if I ever have a chance to get one. And I hope I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Do they really grow that fast? Would they benefit from marine snow?


in october i start with a 3 headed each with a single mouth, i know have 4 heads and three of them have 4 mouths and are working on splitting apart now.


I've only been there in the daytime ,do they have tenticals? I know they have mouths ,but they are so small and i have never seen them open.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt.mama
I've only been there in the daytime ,do they have tenticals? I know they have mouths ,but they are so small and i have never seen them open.
Yes in the day time light schedule the tissue inflates and there maybe small little tips of the sweeper tenticles visable. At night the tissue receeds and the sweeper tenticles come out extended quite far, 1/2" or more.