I honestly don't know if there is a way, but breeding of lionfish in captivity has been reported. I found this on a website that you might find interesting:
"The Shortfin Lionfish [Fuzzy dwarf, Dendrochirus brachypterus] is the most often reported as having bred in captivity. They are haremic, which means one male will spawn with a group of females. After courting for an entire day, the fish will spawn around midnight. They will rise to the top of the water column during and release gelatinous balls of eggs, each ball containing about 2000 eggs. The egg balls will dissolve after about 24 hours releasing the individual eggs. The eggs themselves will hatch after about 36 hours. The fry will immediately feed on the available plankton. As with most fish it is difficult to keep enough plankton in the water to keep the fry alive."
But I'm guessing that you won't be able to do that in 75 gal. And you probaly have a voltain lion so it won't matter anyway. Also do you plan on upgrading? A 75 is too small for a voltian, and lionfish do grow pretty fast.