Can anyone put a name on this crab?


Awww I think he's cute!
He's probably too tiny to do any harm right now but sharp claws CAN equal fish eater coral picker anemone destructor down the line. I think he'd be worth keeping in a little specimin tank or something though.

1st timer

Originally Posted by Qreef
the back leg flat or pointy?
Round and pointy and a little hairy... not sure if they are brown or reddish brown and white in color. The top part of the body is the same as the legs but the underside is all white.


Originally Posted by 1st timer
Round and pointy and a little hairy... not sure if they are brown or reddish brown and white in color. The top part of the body is the same as the legs but the underside is all white.

As of that size it harmless but when about 1" he/she will eat anything it can get hands on. I had that crab at one point and ate my two fishes (damsels). IMO remove it!!!!!!!!. If the two back let are fins like then they can swim and chase the fish as food.


It has the same shape as an emerald crab. When im in florida i find pink emerald crabs, or at least they look the same, i even kept a few and they were just algea eaters. But keep him in a seperate area for a while till your sure.


Originally Posted by Dogstar
Could be a Mithrax cinctimanus, anemone crab.

I agree with dogstar on this one, looks almost identical to a anemone crab but i dunno for sure...just throw him in the fuge for now...