Can anyone tell me what this is


My tank has been cycling now for the last 3 weeks, and last nite I took a really close look at the tank and the LR is transforming. It has what appear to look like little hairs all over it. It's turning different colors like purple, green, burg. Can any one tell if it is doing what it is supose too? If I add LR to this tank will it delay the cycling that has already been in progress?Right now I have 55lbs of LR, and 65 lbs of LS, in a 55gal tank with wet/dry filter with sump/bio balls, 2 402 Power Heads, 2 50/50 watt light(hope to someday get more powerful light system)berlin PS.
I am not sure if I read this correctly or not? You have some LR and it has been in the tank for 3 weeks and are thinking of adding more?? The existing LR has "hair" forming on it??
Well...depends on what color the "hair" is...I have a fairly new tank and when I put my rock in- parts of it died off- thus creating a cycle. When the rock dies you'll see white sort of webby looking stuff?? IF that is what you have it will fade away as less and less of it dies off. IF you are seeing purple and green "hair" that is healthy alge growth. My LR did not really take off so to speak until I aimed the power heads at it and left the light on for 12-14 hours a day. You will notice a huge diff. when you arrange the powerheads for water circualtion.
I hope this helps and I did not totally confuse you?
Oh, and adding rock- I added cured rock- to additional rock in the tank and had no problems, personally. I tested everything and it was right on the mark.
Good Luck!!


you can always add more LR to your tank; however, you if you are talking about adding it after your tank has already cycled, you should only add about 5lbs at most at a time on maybe a weekly intervals...even than, that might cause a minicycle...