can clown fish kill lps?



I just got a gold bar to replace my purple tang and now it seems to be taking a interest in my frogspawn.. Should I be worried?


Active Member
It should be fine as long as she does'nt get too boisterous. Maroons can be terrors, and wreak havoc on sandbeds..


Active Member
After I lost my RBTA, my pair of onyx clowns now host my frogspawn. it doesnt seem bothered at all.


Active Member
the clown may disturb the frogspawn at first, but im sure it will get used to having the clown hosting it. same thing happened to my squamosa clam. he would barely open at first because my gold stripe was trying to host him, but he gradually got used to it. he now stays open all the time, even when the clown is really digging himself in there. no harm done to the clam though. even my lawnmower blenny likes to sit in the clam now. the clown only minds if my hand or my sixline wrasse goes near it though.