...... Can Corals Bring in Ich Larvae?


Hello -
Just some history here - Year and 2 Months ago my tank got Ick. I had no QT at the time. For the sake of my fish, I simply returned them all to the LFS and he took care of the situation, nothing died and I let him sell them all while my tank sat.
My tank sat _fishless_ for 45 calendar days. During this period I set-up a QT tank for my new additions 15H.
The last fish added to my tank was in July of 03. All of them QT'd.
No signs of ick - Everyone is healthy.
In the last 4 weeks I've started to purchase corals. I've added an anemone and ruffly 4-5 corals to my tank during that time.
I've added 2 Emerald Crabs.
My PH was a tad low as was my calc, so I have in the last 5 days started adding Alk Buffer (Superbuffer dKH by Kent) and Liquid Calcium (Kent). I've also added some Essential Elements to the tank.
Two days ago I noticed my Yellow Tang had some white spots that would look like ick on his left side. I read this forum and found that it could be some sand grains My Tang does bump into the sandbed picking at the algae growing towards the bottom of the rockwork so I assumed that to be it.
Last night my Tang was covered in over a dozen white spots both sides and some spots on his fins. They are fuzzy and protruding from the scales.
Obviously these are not sand particles.
So now I must Hypo all of my fish yes? Let the tank sit for 30+ days again so all the ick can die off.
Because of past experiences I have taken the proper pre-cautions so that a situation such as this one would not happen again.
I do not even have a QT set-up to hold all of my fish so I need to figure out a way to get 40+ gal tank set-up to hypo my livestock.
Could the corals have brought the ick larvae into the tank simply by the larvae being on the branches or on the polyps?
I will assume adding the Alk Buffer is what stressed the Tang out.
I read ick is always in our tanks dorment. If I let the tank sit for 45 days how could it survive?
What can you do differently so this stuff doesn't happen? Perform Hypo on every fish you ever QT with a UV on the QT and have an UV on the display just for extra insurance...
It seems unless you Hypo every single fish you put in the tank you are still gonna bring ick into the system..... I've been told a wrasse such as a 6-line has a thicker slime coat then something like a Tang so he could never ever show signs of Ick but bring the parasite into your display for others to become infected.
What should I be doing here? I can Hypo just the Yellow in my 15H but since I have other fish in the display the Yellow is gonna just get infected when I put'm back in.....
It it flustering to know I've taken the proper measures to protect my animals from this and it failed.
Recently Tested Water -
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate >10
PH 8.0 (3 hours after lights turned on)
Calcium 400


45 days is beyond the life cycle of ich, however it has been suggested that it ich may be able to go into a dormant cycle for longer periods of time. To my knowledge its inconclusive if that can happen or not.
Many people are starting to suggest qting "everything" (not just fish) from corals to live rock to prevent parasites or nuisance critters entering our displays. It hasn't caught on as much quarantining our fish yet though. I've recently had a mantis, aptasia, bubble algae, and mahjoes(sp?) all introduced to my tank just from adding corals attached to rocks. If ich does go dormant, it seems possible it could be transplanted on rocks/sand that came with a coral or live rock?
We all understand your frustration, I suppose its part of the hobby. As theres still so much we don't understand.


Yeah -
It sounds to me if your gonna really assure yourself of not getting ick you let anything your about to put in the tank sit for 45 days and and new fish get Hypo.
I find it hard to believe if this becomes a new trend that people will have the patience or beable to afford second set-ups that can handle things like new corals for 30-45 days to ensure that the corals do not have any hitchhiker parasites etc.
I may have been one of the 1 in 15 tat had this happen to them.
I think for the future UVs are going on everything. I do not own one and I've been reading and reading why you shouldn't have one and keep thinking why I should.
I think there has to be an alternative way of reproducing the phyto etc that is lost to the UV so you can have thriving reef tank that is protected by a UV sterilizer.
I know UV is not supposed to 'cure' the problem of ICK but unless someone has a better method of protecting their tanks other then saying to QT fish for a few weeks this might be a way to go.


this is how it happen to my tank (see my post 'Lesson learned..), I had my main tank no fish for 6 or 7 weeks, even with higher temp (around 80) to speed up the ICH cycle, and just adding coral during that time, and the QT fish was fine after Hypo and with normal 1.023 for few days, still no ICH. but when back to the main tank, the hippo blue tang got it first, then the others. I will say, very very likely is my coral from the pet shop.
(also, I have UV, but they don't kill the ICH at all)