Can dead corals help filtration like live rock?


I have some large dead corals in my tank. I purchased them that way. I did not kill them. And i was wondering if they would act as live rock.
Not trying to subsitute live rock. But I want to know can they help the same way as live rock. Bacteria, algea wise? Maybe become live? Considering they have ccoral for substrate.
I clean them once and a while with fw to get the algea off. But if they would help with filtration i will just leave them alone.


I also have dead coral.....but 'live', that sounds so dumb! I bought it with my live rock, it is live the way the rock is. I imagine if you have or get live rock....then sooner or later your coral will be 'live' too. CC is not live, however, so that will not help. If your sand was that might. Either way, this ridiculous excuse for a reply will bump this up and maybe someone will educate us together. Hmmmm Killing Two Fish with One ....HOOK????:happyfish :happyfish


Dead rock, or base rock can become live rock. This can happen by adding some live rock, or from bacteria in a live sand bed.