Can fish fight off black ich?


I've got a yellow tang that seems to have about 15 spots of "black ich" on him. He's had a few touches of regular ich in the past but I've always been able to fight it off by soaking his food with selcon and by adding vita chem. Can fish fight off black ich the same way as regular ich? How dangerous is this disease?
The fish is in my sps frag tank with egg crate so catching him would be nearly impossible


New Member
i've been told by my lfs that it is not life threatening. He told me to feed it a little more so it can fight it off. He also said if i'm lucky a cleaner shrimp will clean it off the fish.


Active Member
ive seen fish fight it off, but it always returns, especially if you ever stress that fish out, which is not hard to do in a controlled environment such as a tank. there are a couple sites out there, one which is very reputable says that a freshwater dip can work. i dont really promote them at all, but ive seen it work, again temporarily. read this it may help
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