Can I add a blue hippo tang? and how to go about it


I have a 75 gallon that has been up and going for a good year and 1/2, all is well! The only thing that is off is my PH is at 8, How do I raise it? The fish I have is:
Flame Angel
Yellow Tang
2 percula clowns
yellow watchman goby
banzai cardinal
blue damsel
I have numerous crabs and shrimps 60lbs of live rock and 1 BT anemone
I would like to COMPLETE my tank with a blue hippo tang, is this possible? Thanks

mr. limpid

Active Member
No, a 75gal tank is to small for a hippo, they are swimmers and need a 6' long tank. They would be fine for 2 years then be stressed stop eating hide and die. Even the yellow you already have wont be happy for long. And to add to your problem is that the yellow is already dominated the entire tank as his and will pick on any new tang to death.