I have a 75 gallon that has been up and going for a good year and 1/2, all is well! The only thing that is off is my PH is at 8, How do I raise it? The fish I have is:
Flame Angel
Yellow Tang
2 percula clowns
yellow watchman goby
banzai cardinal
blue damsel
I have numerous crabs and shrimps 60lbs of live rock and 1 BT anemone
I would like to COMPLETE my tank with a blue hippo tang, is this possible? Thanks
Flame Angel
Yellow Tang
2 percula clowns
yellow watchman goby
banzai cardinal
blue damsel
I have numerous crabs and shrimps 60lbs of live rock and 1 BT anemone
I would like to COMPLETE my tank with a blue hippo tang, is this possible? Thanks