can I add a false or true percula clown?


28 gal bow
magnum350 delux canister filter
20 lbs cured live rock cycled 1 month
3" argonite bed
2-1 1/2" yellow tail blue damsels
1- green brittle star
The two damsels have already killed off two other small damsels. They are territorial but I will move the live rock around and maybe add more rock for hiding in. Can a small perc hold off the damsels? do I need an anemone to keep the perc happy? Should I consider a bigger perc say 2" long?


Active Member
You can move the rock around all ya want but the damsels will still be territorial. Suggestion--take the LR out and catch the damsels and return them. Just a suggestion and gives ya room for a different fish. I believe it is the false percs that are more hardier and such, and no you dont need an anenome to make it happy. And your tank is still young so an anenome is not recommended at this point and time. Later on if you so desire to have one, you will need to make sure it is one that the perc adapts to. IMO why not get a baby perc, maybe two to have a maited pair and watch them grow up. HTH ;)

sinner's girl

it all depends on the clown imo....the perc we added killed the damsels that were in the tank when we added it....
you don't need an anenome
moving lr around, taking the damsels out of the tank and putting them in a bag then readding them later after new fish has been added (with lights off) may lessen some of the territorialness (is that even a word).
it worked for us when we added a second clown.


Thanks you two. Both your advise seem sound. I have also been told that if I add two or three swimming fish at once the damsels will be more inclined to leave them alone. My research tells me, however, to go slow with such a small tank. three at once seems suicidal for someone.


Active Member
Your right adding three new fish at once, that wouldnt be a good thing. I see what Sinner's Girl is saying about catching the damsels and adding later after rearranging the rock, but it all the end you will most likely want them out. And its a pain to catch um once you got alot of LR in there, its impossible, believe me on that one!


I think I have my heart set on a true perc. I like the black mixed in with the orange. Any way, as much as I like the damsels, I wonder if I can just return one and leave one in there .