Can I add a fish??


24 gallon Aquapod, with:
1 2" true perc
1 2" pearl head jawfish
1 1" green clown goby
1 cleaner shrimp
misc. hermits
Would it be feasible to add one more SMALL fish??
Thinking like a 6 line wrasse, or something like that...


Active Member
i wouldnt do a 6 line, they can get pretty big (3 inches) and will soon eat most of your pods, and worms


Active Member
I don't see why you couldn't add a sixline wrasse to your tank. They eat pods, but they will also eat whatever else you feed them! You have nothing that REQUIRES pods like a mandarin or anything so I don't see why not. Also a royal gramma would be fine. But you need to decide one or the other.