Can I add a Hawaiian Dragon eel to my 120G tank??


New Member
Can I add a Hawaiian Dragon eel to my 120G tank??
Here is my setup
120G FOWLR aggressive tank Tanks size (60"x18"x26")
100 lbs of LR
2" LS
2- Filstar XP3's Canister filter
Remora Pro Skimmer
3 - Powerheads
10% water change every 3 - 4 weeks.
will be adding a UV sterillizer soon.
The tank has the following fish:
1-Niger Trigger 2" - 3"
1-Clown Trigger 2"-3"
1- Snowflake Eel 12"
1- Red volitan Lionfish 4"
I am thinking to take out the Sowflake eel from this tank and replace him with a dragon eel about 20" - 24"?? What do you guys think? or can I keep both eels in the same tank??


Active Member
I like the Hawaiin Dragon eel. I've been looking to get one for some time now but they seem to be difficult to track down and you will pay a pretty penny for one. I don't see a problem with adding one of you remove the SFE. They will eat anything that they can fit in there mouth.


They're spendy. I'd watch out for that clown trigger. Also, if I remember right, they are a fish eating species.


New Member
In South Florida, I have seen them priced as low as $400 to as high as $1199.95. My LFS said, he will get me one for around $400 - $500.


I've had one for about 3 years. Trust me, they will eat triggers and lion fish. Basically, I keep him alone with a porcupine puffer.