Can I add a purple firefish with a red firefish?


Hey, In my 10 gallon I have a red firefish. Do you guys think It would be alright if i added a purple one also, Would they got along?


Active Member
yeah they should do fine since the red firefish was introduced first ... if it was the other way around you wouldn't be able to since the purple is normally more aggressive .. but just to be safe try getting one of the opposite ---


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefDude37
How do you tell if my red firefish is a male or female?
You can't. You basically take your chances when mixing firefish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefDude37
How do you tell if my red firefish is a male or female?
yeah to tell you the truth I don't know how to tell either .. good luck!


All I have in my 10 gallon is a Red Firefish, And a bunch of corals and about 15 pounds of liverock, It is not covered due to my lighting fixture


Active Member
if there's little to no other fish in the tank they probably won't .. that way the food competition is down


Active Member
I had my red first, then added the purple about a month later, the purple does'nt let the red near him, and its a 150 gal tank, I would be caustious doing it in such a small tank.