can I add another clown?


I have one false perc now, about 2 inches. I would like to add another because I like the way two interact with each other. Can I add another or will they fight? Would it be better to get one bigger or smaller than the one I have now? TIA


30 lbs. LR
4 inch sand bed
seaclone 100 skimmer
water tests out good
misc crabs and snails.
coral banded shrimp
peppermint shrimp
pink and green star polyps
green button polyps
blue, red, and green mushrooms
pajama cardinal
false perc clownfish
What would be really cool is get rid of that pajama and put another perc in there and see if they would "do the nasty"... Maybe get a few more percs :)


bobo, sorry about the bob thing, saw that after I posted. What size do you recommend or doesn't it make a difference?
What size for what? The clown? My personal preference is get the fish as small as they come and watch them grow. I ve had 4 clowns in the same tank for going on 2 years now and there the best out of all the fish i have.


I like to get the fish small also, but if I put in a smaller clown will my existing one not take a liking to him? I know all fish are different, but just say on average would most get along with a smaller clown or no?
Ive not had a problem with other fish in the tank bothering the clowns besides a different type of clown. I have 4 false percs and 1 tomato and the tomato tears after the other percs alot. So im not really sure what the pajama clown would do since I never had one. I think though 3 small fish would pretty much be the limit on fish in that tank.
Could be asking for trouble adding a smaller one, but it might not happen (a fight). I added 2 then added the other two (mated pair) in about a week. Now, the female has taken to ALL 3 males !!! She pends the night in a different hole every night,.....should I be charging a room fee ?!?!?! :D
Anyway, there is really only 1 way to find out. Just like anything else in nature (or tank raised nature), some will be calm, and others will be an a$$. Be prepared to find another home though, just in case.


Thanks guys. I'm not concerned about the pajama as he is about as mellow of a fish as you can get. I can just go in a scoop him up if I want and he doesn't care. I was only concerned about the two clowns together.