Can I add fish now? All readings almost perfect!!!!


I've had my tank since Tuesday and I just did my nitrite, nitrate, amonnia, ph and iron tests. All are perfect. I tested my water with my hydrometer and that is perfect.
Can I go ahead and add a damsel in now or wait? Thank you.


Active Member
Doesn't sound like you actually cycled the tank yet. You've only had it set up since Tuesday?
You need to introduce a source of ammonia, like a raw cocktail shrimp, and let it sit there until you get a cycle going...then remove it and let it take it's course. A good cycle may take a couple of weeks to complete. Don't add fish until you are sure this is done.


um no it has to cycle, that could take 6-8 weeks. or a few weeks but definately not 5 days