Can I add fish now?


So I purchased a used setup from someone who had it up for over two years, I added an additional 50 pounds of LR I purchased as well. Everything has been setup for about a week and all my readings are great. I have a das-x1 skimmer arriving tommorow, and also a refractometer(been using hydro). If setup on the skimmer and my SG is good then I will be heading to the LFS to pick out my lifestock. Now I know what I want, my main question is in what order should I add them? Its an 80g with a 20gal sump. I also have 2 hydro korlias #4's. Is this going to be too much flow? It seems pretty good to me right now, no dead spots, but Im afraid of stressing out the inhabitants because of too much flow.
- Porf puffer
- Fiji Foxface
- Lunar wrasse
- Huma Huma
Readings -
ph - 8.2
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0
ammonia - 0
calcium - 460


No inverts of course

Copper can actually be harmful to fish over a prolonged peroid of time. I would only use copper when you see signs of disease.
Then use carbon to remove copper after the recommended dosage.


Active Member
When you added the LR, was it straight out of another tank? or did you mail order it? If it was mail ordered, I'd suggest giving it another week or two to make sure that any die off is complete. If it was out of another local tank and not out of the water long, then you could probably go ahead and start slowly adding your critters.


Both sets of LR where from established tanks of over two years. They were transported locally in water for about two hours. I do realise they will outgrow the tank and I have a 150g waiting for when they do. So in what order should I add them?