Can I add fish now?


Tank's been cycling for 3 weeks. Nitrites are at 0.5ppm. I'm thinking of a maroon clown for my first fish.


New Member
You should be set to go. Clownfish and Damsels are a good start. Both are hardy and can withstand new tanks. Believe it or not, adding about 5-8 fish will help your tank cycle faster. Two weeks after setting up my first tank, I introduced 8 damsels and never had a problem. My tank was completely cycled a week later.


Thanks reefy. Did you continue to monitor nitrites after the initial cycle? I think my 65 gallon should be able to handle a couple of fish initially :)


Active Member
I too think your fine on adding some fish now. I have a 90g and just put 2 clowns in it. I don't think I would add more than one or two hardy fish to start with but thats just me. I monitor my amnonia and nitrite levels often and all others less often. But you want to make sure to keep track of the water levels to make sure everything if ok. You might also consider getting a clean up crew for your tank. Especially if you have brown algae like I did. has great packages set up for you. I got one and love it.


New Member
I continued to monitor my ammonium, nitrites, nitrates, and ph weekly.
Your 65 gallon is more than enough to handle about 8 fish initially. Don't be afraid of them dying. The more fish you introduce to your tank, the faster the biological filter will build up. Remember, if there are no fish in the tank then there is no ammonium, nitrites, or nitrates and therefore no reason for the biological filter to become bigger. Adding fish, will cycle your tank faster.