can i add more fish to this list?


Active Member
Ok, heres what i'm planning on having in the 125gal.
-goldentail moray
-Volitan lion
-dragon wrasse
-harliquin tusk or a grouper
-hermits and snails
So could i add more fish? My filtration is a emporer 400, turboflotor Multi (made for tanks up to 250gal), a maxi jet powerhead 1200. And will be adding in a sump soon this year.


Active Member
Hate to say but an emperor 400 alone is not even remotely suitable as the primary filtration on a large predator tank. I'd run two on that size even as a freshwater. I would seriously consider, personally, adding a wet dry if you can do it or at least a couple of canister filters. And you will probably need at least an additionam maxi jet, IMO.
The harlequin tusk could pose a threat to snails and hermits as well (very cool teeth though).


Active Member
IMO, a skimmer - regardless of size (and MANY are far, far, far, far, far overrated in terms of capacity) will not give you the insurance of a good biological filter in that tank, nor will it make up much in terms of lack of circulation.