Can I Add Sand?


New Member
I have a 55G FOWLR that has been running for about 13 mos. I currently have about a 2 inch sand bed of sugar-like sand. I would like to add a layer of larger grain sand on top of the sand I have now.
It seems that the fine sand is very easily disturbed and covers everything. Would adding larger sand help this?
If this is a good idea, what would be the best way to go about it?
Thanks for the help!


Active Member
Do you have anything in the tank that will disturb the substrate right now? This will be the deciding factor, if you do, they will just mix your 2 sands together. As far as adding the sand to the tank, rinse it off first, put small amounts in a container then you can direct where in the tank you wish the sand to go.


New Member
Thanks for the reply.
I do have nass. snails. If they will just mix the two together, I don't think I'll waste the time and $$ on more sand.