Can I Add These Together?


I have 2 large yellow tangs and a golden strip maroon clown in my 125g. I want to place an order for a threadfin butterfly and a flame angel.. Will they all get along? Wanna place the order tonight if they will. I have had the 2 tangs and clown in there now for almost 2 months


Active Member
You are going to be okay in theory.
The real catch here is that clownfish. They can be really territorial. If he's an adult, then you may need to rearrange rock or even remove him for several days when you introduce the two new fish to break territoriality. The angel I'd say is no problem, but bufferflies are such fragile fish... the clown could bully him.
I'd say go for it and act only if need be. From a straight "compatibility on paper" standpoint, you are not overstocked, and all fish are compatible with each other.


Active Member
Yep, id say a yes on the flame angel, but the butterfly is iffy. The Maroon may tear him apart.