Can I add these?


Hi everyone:
Here I am again with a rather stupid question but that need some kind of feedback. I know this post might belong to the agressive setups section but I did post it there and had no responses so far. I also figured that some of my fish are not really aggressive so they can also fit here. I upgraded my tank from a 180 gallon to a 225. I got rid of some fish that were getting too big and shuffled around others so as of now the list of habitants in my 225 is as follows:
Male Scribbled Angel (about 6.5 inches long)
Black Tang (about 7 inches long)
Panther Grouper (about 6 inches long)
Harlequin Tusk (about 5 inches long)
Majestic/Threadfin Snapper (about 5 inches long)
Clown Trigger (about 4.5 inches long)
I am planning on adding a few more large pieces of rock to add more hiding places and I also wanted to add the following:
Broomtail Wrasse (about 6 inches long)
2 Large Semilarvatus Butterflies (about 6 inches diameter )
My question is if any of the "new" fish could get killed/attacked/harrassed. I know there is always the typical hazing when new fish are introduced but I am rather concerned about the butterflies. They are big, the biggest I have seen so far and the 2 little ones I have in another tank are pretty aggressive for a butterfly, but I am not sure if they could hold their own. None of my fish are aggressive towards each other except for the occassional chasing that happens about once a week for about 2 seconds and usually involve either the trigger or the tusk chasing the snapper.
Any thoughts on who should I leave and who should I buy. The people at the store gave me mixed reviews and I simply wanted to ask a broader audience of experts.
Thanks for your time,


I want a Tusk and was just wondering about a few things since you are the first person on here that I have seen with one I'll ask you. Have you kept any inverts and how hard is it to keep? From gathering info on them it is moderate. I'm sure you could give me some info. My tank isn't very old only 4 to 5 months. 55 gal. Thanks.


My Harlequin Tuskfish seems always very active and hungry. He will eat any invertebrates in the same tank with him, as most wrasses would. I would say that the care for the Tuskfish is no different than other bigger wrasses. They need good space and hiding places, good water quality, and enough food to sustain them daily (but not too much food).
If you have any more questions let me know and I can try to answer them the best I can based on my experience with him.
Best regards,


New Member
The trigger, grouper, and snapper seem to even be a bit much once they have reached their adult sizes! Like Jwtrojan44 stated earlier you've already got a tang that can grow 2-3 more inches, the angel about 4 more, and the Tusk at about 1-2 more inches , and with the other three "foot-and-a-half" brusiers that might prove to be too much!