Can I add this fish??


I would really like a sohal tang. I have a blue jaw trigger, black hawaiian trigger, sailfin tang, purple tang, and a yellow tang, and a pair of goldstripe maroon clowns. Will this fish begin to wreak havoc on the tank. Or will it be fine since it is the last fish going in. All advice is appreciated, thanks.


Originally Posted by wanabebell
The purple tang and the yellow tang will fight to the death
This is an over exaggeration. Many fish that are of the same family get along together well in a large tank. It's not normally endorsed because of the low success rate but it's not impossible.
You should be fine adding a sohol since you have good tankmates for it (larger/aggressive fish). You should get a sohol tang that is smaller than the other fish in the tank though.


my purple and yellow do great with each other, the sohal i am looking at is on this website for sale - 3"-4". My sailfin is about 4"-5", and the purple and yellow are about 3"-3.5". My tank doesn't hold true to any of the stereotypes of saltwater fish keeping. My purple and yellow get along fine for not being added at the same time :notsure: . I have a coral banded shrimp that my black hawaiian loves to hang around
. My puffer just puffs up for no reason. Now I know people say it stresses them out but he does it on his own. Watching T.V. and look over and he is the size of a softball with no other fish around him. So hopefully the sohal won't be so bad in my tank. Thanks for all of the advice.