Can I and should I do my first water change now?


OK I started the cycle on my 180 gallon about 3 weeks ago with 4 cocktail shrimp. I have been cycling it with about 230lbs of already cured live rock 40 pounds of carib-sea live sand and 80 pounds of carib-sea not live sand. My ammonia spiked about 2 weeks ago and has been at 0.0 for the last 2 weeks. Here are my test numbers and they have been the same for atleast the last week to week and a half.
Ammonia - 0.0
Nitrites - 0.0
Nitrates - 5
PH - 8.0
I have had a small percula clown in there for about a week and a coral beauty in there for about 4 days and they both seem to be doing good.:)


:eek: Wow has it been three weeks already? Are you having any algea blooms yet? If not then with numbers like that I do not see any reason for a water change. I on the other hand I have to do a 50% water change, you see I did not take the shrimp out and he drove my nitrites and nitrates completly off the charts I/ve never seen my test kits so in the red, so tomorrow I will change some water.
Sounds like your doing fine.
Might want to see where your Calcium and Alkalinity are.


Active Member
If your rock was cured, you should not have seen much of a spike at all.
But, since your spike has come and gone, I would do a small water change and SLOWLY start adding livestock...
Good Luck!


No algea blooms at all, but I havent had any really powerfull lights on there yet either just 1 n.o. 48" 10,000k, 1 n.o. 48" actinic and 2 n.o. 18" 18,000k's