can i bur copepods?


i bought a mandarin fish, and have about 50# worth of live rock. i would hate to have him starve to death because i dont have a proper pod population. initally, the reason i bought him, was because i was told i had a over population of pods. but this was wrong. please help


Active Member
Keeping a Mandarin with the hopes of buying copepods to feed it is very admirable, but I'm afraid it's not the answer.
If your tank is not very mature, doesn't have an adaquate population of pods, and the fish will not take to any other food, then I regret to say it will starve and die.
The fact that you asked this question tells me that you care for this fish, and don't want to see it starve.
I suggest either finding this fish another home more suited to it's dietary needs, or returning it wherever you bought it - and maybe try again later with a larger tank dedicated soly for this species.
These are very difficult fish to keep for any real length of time, and can easily wipe out what you may think is tank rich in copepods.
Others have been successful, and they will tell you why and how.
I speak from experience :(


Active Member
i do agree with brian, however, inland aquatics sells a detritvoire kit which includes copepods.


thanks for the reply. the fish is going back tommorrow. i would hate to kill a beautiful fish like that.


Active Member
the only prob with buying pods to feed with, it is not very effective(maybe with a refugium, but will stillll take time b4 ready), you can do so, b4 you have fish that will eat them, but now they would never make it into the sand and rock to get a chance to breed and such, especailly with a mandarin, and any other fish that may eat them, so i too would find it anohter more suitable home

nm reef

Active Member
"Jimi"...the phycadelic manderian has been in my system for 9+ months....but....prior to getting him I had 100+ lbs of lr...system was stable...pod population was huge...and I had a 35 gallon refugium that gravity returns to help maintain the pod I got lucky and jimi has taken a likeing to frozen mysis....whenever I feed the mysis he has a spot in the lower left hand cornor where he sits and waits for the current to circulate the mysis right to him....eats like a pig........I would say that the addition of a manderian should be carefully considered and done only in a system specifically set up to accomadate their specific date my addition has worked well