can I buy two juvinile Maroon clownfish...


or would I have to buy a mated pair for my tank? I love them and I would like a pair if I could. Is it possible to just buy two juviniles or do you have to get a mated pair?


Active Member
as long as you dont have anyother clowns they shoudl be fine as long as you have a big enoguh tank because i seen marrons that are 6+inches, if you get both juvies, then they will most likley become a mated pair


alright thanks I have a 46 gallon now but in about 6 months I'm receiving a 200 gallon show tank free! (The guy is moving) I get all the equipment and the tank as long as I go pick it up


Active Member
Sweet deal!!!!
Getting 2 juveniles of any type of clown will almost assure you of getting a mated long as they came from the same tank. If they came from different tanks, there is a VERY remote chance that you get two of them that have already established dominance and started changing to female. This is very remote, but possible. If you get them from two different tanks, make sure that it least one of them is not the largest in it's respective tank.