Can I do this? :)

royal gang

Active Member
heres a list of fish that im planning on getting 2 months from now;
1 clarki clownfish
1 black and white clown
1 false percula
1yellow tang
2 blue chromis
2 green chromis
1 sixline wrasse
1 lanmower blenny
1 coral beauty angelfish
2 BTA(normal)
1 normal brain coral
1 green brain coral
1 sea pen
1 of those multicolored rocks with lotsa polyps
2 cleaner shrimp
1 fire shrimp
15 of those little blue legged cleaning crabs
1 cleaner clam
1 alvepora
1 blue palm
1 brain coral-moon
1 toadstool
1 Green Ricordea
1 orange ricordea
ofcourse not at the same time, over months but is it a good list?
:thinking: :thinking:


Not that I can answer you on the question of the fish, but how big is the tank you're using? Seems like that would be a big help to know.


Active Member
Yeah... It would have to be at least a 150 for the things you've named. Especially with all of the inter-species of clowns you listed.


Active Member
-what type of lighting are you using?
-what size tank?
-the alveopora is known to die within months so i would take that off the list
-3 different clowns are not gunna work


Active Member
I didn't read through the entire list, I stopped with the variety of clowns that you have. As a rule of thumb, only one type of clown per tank or you can lose some by aggression.
As stated, the size of the tank you're planning would also help greatly. From what I saw, you would need a pretty sizeable tank.
Lisa :happyfish

royal gang

Active Member
50gallon/live rock
Ocean HQI Double Ended Metal Halide Bulbs 10000k 250 watts
nvm about the nemos ill cancell the alvepora, ill just get a pair of black and white clowns.
it's like a rectangle going upwards, but the good thing is the LR will have alot of tunnels and stuff for them to swim/hide, plus it will be in different levels, stacked;
24"width x22"thick x36" high
:cheer: :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
heres a list of fish that im planning on getting 2 months from now;
1 clarki clownfish
1 black and white clown
1 false percula
1yellow tang
2 blue chromis
2 green chromis
1 sixline wrasse
1 lanmower blenny
1 coral beauty angelfish
2 BTA(normal)
1 normal brain coral
1 green brain coral
1 sea pen
1 of those multicolored rocks with lotsa polyps
2 cleaner shrimp
1 fire shrimp
15 of those little blue legged cleaning crabs
1 cleaner clam
1 alvepora
1 blue palm
1 brain coral-moon
1 toadstool
1 Green Ricordea
1 orange ricordea
ofcourse not at the same time, over months but is it a good list?
:thinking: :thinking:

1 pair of clowns.
No tangs!
BTA's need MH lighting which is gonna run u like $300 for the fixture
Corals will most likely be fine as long as their spaced enough apart, and u have the correct protien skimmer and lighting.
You still are about 4 fish to many. id only add about 4 to 5 fish to a 50 gallon.

royal gang

Active Member
why??? there like 3 inches+ they dun even swim. hell some ppl even have like 2 purples+3 yellow tangs like in a 150g


Active Member
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
why??? there like 3 inches+ they dun even swim.
I don't think you understand how the ecosystem of a Salt Water tank works. Its Not the Size of the Fish and btw all fish swim and they will swim every inch of open water in your tank. Fish need lots of room to feel comfortable. It dosnt matter how small they are, you can only have so many at a time or they get stressed and unhappy.
My suggestion to you is to go to your local Library and take out some books on keeping saltwater fish or buy some. This is an expensive hobby that needs to be well researched and well planned out.
And thats 150g not 50g thats 2/3s more than what u have. Yellow Tangs can hit like 7-8 inches I believe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
..dude they DONT SWIM !! whoa that's pretty big
are u talking about stars? i was talking about the fish. lol. I dont know much about stars, so I cant comment on that. Oh and Im sorry I didnt read the post where u said u had MH's, But still id only suggest 1 BTA.

royal gang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Nick76
are u talking about stars? i was talking about the fish. lol. I dont know much about stars, so I cant comment on that. Oh and Im sorry I didnt read the post where u said u had MH's, But still id only suggest 1 BTA.
anyways thanks for the info. ill cut the tang since he reaches (freaking[if you want]) 8" i WILL get 2 bta's though so they can jump from one to the other
and i dunno do something about all the fish lol..which clown do you reccomend? the clarki, false percula or the black & white clown? :thinking: theyre all so cool i can't decide'


Active Member
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
anyways thanks for the info. ill cut the tang since he reaches (freaking[if you want]) 8" i WILL get 2 bta's though so they can jump from one to the other
and i dunno do something about all the fish lol..which clown do you reccomend? the clarki, false percula or the black & white clown? :thinking: theyre all so cool i can't decide'
Clowns really arent my strong point, id say any of them as long as its one species. I like the False Percs. The concern I had about the BTA's was the fact that they do more around alot and in a 50 u could be facing some chemical warfare. Which can kill all your livestock. Just letting you know.


Active Member
Sea pens need at least a 12" sandbed to bury their foot in.
The reason why linkias need big tanks is because they need a lot of LR to feed off of. 100+ lbs

royal gang

Active Member
12 inches??? :scared: :scared: :scared: that's crazy..or are you talking about the..the, err.. like damn the bottom, like not up but sideways?? :help:


Active Member
That's a 12" layer of sand, maybe even more depending on the size of the sea pen. They're also not photosynthetic and must be fed a lot.