Can I do This?

I have had a FPC for about 2 years he is my survivor he has survived 2 moves and a 24 hour power outage where the tank temp hit 68 I recently wanted to add life to my tank (30 Gallon) So I got a CB angel and a CC starfish I wanted to add another FPC but the lfs said that they would fight each other is it possible to add Another clown or is the lfs correct???


Active Member
if is very possible that they will fight with eachother...however if you are going to try and do if just make sure that the 2 clowns are differens sizes...


Active Member
When a mature male clown is kept singlely for a few weeks or more it most likely will turn yours most likely is a female. Adding another female will cause them to fight....Make sure any that you add is not female....
Best way to do this is to get one from a group thats not the largest in the group and definately not one thats been kept singlely.