can i eventually get them all?

how many can i have in a 72 gal bowfront?
this is my i wish i can have, can I?
an ocellaris clown, royal gramma, yellow tang, blue tang. what else could get along with them that are awesome?


Active Member
They would all get along but the tangs will out grow that size tank. Especially the regal blue. Tangs are swimmers and do best with atleast a 6ft long tank. Their are some smaller ones like the kole. But unless you plan on up grading make sure you have plans for the tangs. If you get them very small you may beable to keep them for a year.
I have noticed my regal started to get more teritorial around 3-4 ". I got her at 1 1/2 ". Haven't had a yello but they are noted for being territorial..
Here is a thread to Let you see lots of members stock list for different size tanks to help with some ideas.

nano reefer

Active Member
going for the Nemo crew? the regal would outgrow that tank, but it is safe for them when they are small. When they get too big they need lots of room to swim, lots of food to eat, and lots of water to poop in. Buying a baby one will last you a while, but not for its whole life. if you want a tang, try out a scopas, or kole.


Active Member
ur fish list is fine except the tang. if u must, get the yellow tang when small. it will be ok for 2-3 years.
im going to upgrade my sw tank once i get the hang of it ill probably at the minimum convert my 120 gal fw to sw. but in about 2 years were going to have a custom 500+ gal built.


Then I would say it is fine for a few months till you transfer the 120 and that will last till the 500 is built.