Can i feed my fish cocktail shrimp?


Hey there guys i was wondering if i could feed lions trigger or eels regular cocktail shrimp
so that it would be so expensive
. Thanks Mad


Yes you can. I go to the victory and buy fresh uncooked seafood. Freeze it then drfrost it in warm water. Then I break it up then feed it to them. Don't over feed them with the seafood.


no spending tons of money on frozen foods! Do i need to soak them in anything before i give it to them?


Active Member
you dont have to but silcon and garlic is a good idea.but its not recomended to use one type of food alone you should buy a variety of foods for them one alone will not supply all the requirements your feish need to stay healthy


Any other recomendations of things that i can get a t the super market to feed them? Closest fish shop is about 45min-1 hour away so its kind of a pain to go get stuff and its more expensive. but then again this is an expensive hobby.


Active Member
what i do is stock up on supplies needed from the fish store when ever possible such as krill and silverslides and other typs of fish foods my list is very long.half of my freezer is dedicated to fish food alone.
as far as normal grocery store product as foods yes ther a quite a few you can use.
raw squid ,scallops,crab legs,(frozen they are easy to crack and remove the raw meat)raw shrimp,oysters,muscles,frozen fish fellets.any type of ocean fish.avoid fresh water catch