can i feed my SFE everyday?


It probably won't eat everyday, unless you feed it small amounts daily. Even if you do, after a month or so he will potentially just stop eating until he really gets hungry again. You have to be careful feeding it everyday though, It makes waste high. 2 to 3 times a week is a better method.


Active Member
if hes willing to eat daily then yes just small amounts do not gorge him .also give him a large variety of foods such as silverslides krill scallops shrimp,squid.. a choice variety of foods will ensure proper nutritional needs are met


Active Member
eels go through growth spirts just like any other animal .my jeweled eats daily once he smells food in the tank he comes out with a frenzy to feed.I also have a black moray of some sort very simular in apearance to a sfe that goes through daily feedings then to a couple times a week to even once a week feedings it varies highly on his hunger.if you notice hes more active wanting food then feed him .this also stops predetorial hunting bahavior on sleeping fish(eels are nocturnal hunters


I feed my snowflake every four days
i wouldnt feed every day and dont know why youd want to
Im sure if you fed your snowflake daily you wouldnt see him much


My SFE comes out when he is hungry. Thats when I know when to feed him. Its usually every 3-4 days.


I am like Hapshot my SFE is always looking out from the rocks but every 2 -3 days at 5:00 p.m.he comes fully out and thats when I feed him. He shares a tank with a panther grouper who eats every day but the SFE just watches.
Usually mine is every 2-3 days. If he is out and wandering around, I feed him right away knowing that he is probably hunting and I don't want to deplete my inverts. Some SFE's might eat every day and others might eat every few days depending on how old/big it is. If it is a relatively young SFE, as mentioned above, they go through growing spurts and will chow down more than usual. My eel is a messy eater and others may be as well so if you do feed frequently, watch for excess waste that will effect your water quality.