can I get 4 tangs ?


will be setting up a 10 ft 300G aquarium in 6 months time. would like as show piece to have 1 large angelfish and iff possible 4 tangs. They would be a yellow, blue hippo,powder blue and blonde naso tang.could this work ?

al mc

Active Member
I have 3 tangs...Hippo, Yellow and Scopis in a 175 g bowfront with 120g sump/refugium system. Had them all together for close to three years now. Initially Scopis/Yellow had some territory issues but all appear to get along fine and be thriving. If I had a 300g DT I would be comfortable with 4 tangs. I have no experience with a large angle in a tank with multiple tangs though.


Originally Posted by Al Mc http:///forum/thread/380212/can-i-get-4-tangs#post_3308554
I have 3 tangs...Hippo, Yellow and Scopis in a 175 g bowfront with 120g sump/refugium system. Had them all together for close to three years now. Initially Scopis/Yellow had some territory issues but all appear to get along fine and be thriving. If I had a 300g DT I would be comfortable with 4 tangs. I have no experience with a large angle in a tank with multiple tangs though.
I wouldnt think that an angel would be a problem with tangs ? I will either go with an emp or majestic angel .Most likely a majestic because its the smaller of the 2.
i guess my concern is the powder blue tang which might get higly stressed with 3 other tangs in the tank

al mc

Active Member
If the powder blue is your primary concern...put him in first..let him adjust for a couple weeks before adding the next tang. 10 feet of swimming space for a captive tang is pretty good.
Also, you will have quite an investment.....if you have not put it in your plans i would make sure I QT each fish before putting him into your DT.


Originally Posted by Al Mc http:///forum/thread/380212/can-i-get-4-tangs#post_3308563
If the powder blue is your primary concern...put him in first..let him adjust for a couple weeks before adding the next tang. 10 feet of swimming space for a captive tang is pretty good.
Also, you will have quite an investment.....if you have not put it in your plans i would make sure I QT each fish before putting him into your DT.
for sure , to be honest I have faith in my LFS and wouldnt be concernd with a fish like a yellow tang and some clowns but with a fish like a powder blue it needs to go into a QT tank for a good 2 weeks.
I know its a bit too simplistic but is the 1 inch of fish per 3G of water rule a good guide when creating a stock list ? atm i am trying to come up with a list that gets a close to the 100 inch mark as possible


Originally Posted by aussie260 http:///forum/thread/380212/can-i-get-4-tangs#post_3308548
will be setting up a 10 ft 300G aquarium in 6 months time. would like as show piece to have 1 large angelfish and iff possible 4 tangs. They would be a yellow, blue hippo,powder blue and blonde naso tang.could this work ?
those 4 tangs should be fine in that tank. It really comes down to what order you place them in the tank.
I would recommend this order:
blonde naso tang
powder blue
yellow tang
I read that your concern is the stress on the powder blue. To avoid this, you must quarantine this fish. It is a very aggressive fish, especially towards other tangs, so if it's added first or before the more peaceful naso and hippo, it will beat on them.


You will be fine. 300 gallon is plenty. I have a 300 Gallon 8 feet long tank. I have a show size French angel, Large Annularis, Vlamingi Tang, Blue Hippo, and a Powder blue tang plus other fish. The French is king of the tank followed by the Powder blue. Just makesure you have some good hiding spots for them. But Yeah you should be fine with that stocklist. lookingh forward to seeing your tank


Active Member
IMO it would be best to add (if you still plan on getting it) the powder blue last. Acanthurus tangs are some of the more aggressive tangs, and adding it first would give it the chance to "claim" more territory for itself making it difficult for other tangs.
Originally Posted by Al Mc http:///forum/thread/380212/can-i-get-4-tangs#post_3308563
If the powder blue is your primary concern...put him in first..let him adjust for a couple weeks before adding the next tang. 10 feet of swimming space for a captive tang is pretty good.
Also, you will have quite an investment.....if you have not put it in your plans i would make sure I QT each fish before putting him into your DT.


Originally Posted by juniors04 http:///forum/thread/380212/can-i-get-4-tangs#post_3308629
You will be fine. 300 gallon is plenty. I have a 300 Gallon 8 feet long tank. I have a show size French angel, Large Annularis, Vlamingi Tang, Blue Hippo, and a Powder blue tang plus other fish. The French is king of the tank followed by the Powder blue. Just makesure you have some good hiding spots for them. But Yeah you should be fine with that stocklist. lookingh forward to seeing your tank

I am interested in what fish other people with similar size tanks have .Do you have any other large-medium size fish in your tank ?


Active Member
alot of people keep like 1 to 2 big show fish then he rest are small to medium fish medium as in a dwarf angel


can you guys give me some advice on which large angelfish I could go with ?
i am thinking about leaving out the powder blue , just seems a bit of a risk and its not a must have fish for me.


Originally Posted by aussie260 http:///forum/thread/380212/can-i-get-4-tangs#post_3308768
can you guys give me some advice on which large angelfish I could go with ?
i am thinking about leaving out the powder blue , just seems a bit of a risk and its not a must have fish for me.
Personally I love the Blue Girdled and the Scribbled. I think they add amazing color to a tank. You rarely see the Scribbled Angelfish in anyones tank because of the price, but it is a beautiful fish.
Have you considred any other fish besides tangs and angels? Maybe a few larger non-reef safe wrasses as well?


Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/380212/can-i-get-4-tangs#post_3308786
Personally I love the Blue Girdled and the Scribbled. I think they add amazing color to a tank. You rarely see the Scribbled Angelfish in anyones tank because of the price, but it is a beautiful fish.
Have you considred any other fish besides tangs and angels? Maybe a few larger non-reef safe wrasses as well?
yeah I have considerd some other large fish , since tangs and angels are my favourite species I was kind of going to plan around them .
would like a large wrasse
lion fish or trigger
snowflake or zebra eel
australian tusk
out of the triggers the clown would be my favourite but the size and aggression would be a problem.they can grow up to 50cms which might make my tank to small.I will have a close look at some others and if dont see one i like alot I will get a lion
out of the butterfly fish I think the racoon would be the logical choice being the easiest to care for


Originally Posted by aussie260 http:///forum/thread/380212/can-i-get-4-tangs#post_3308831
yeah I have considerd some other large fish , since tangs and angels are my favourite species I was kind of going to plan around them .
would like a large wrasse
lion fish or trigger
snowflake or zebra eel
australian tusk
out of the triggers the clown would be my favourite but the size and aggression would be a problem.they can grow up to 50cms which might make my tank to small.I will have a close look at some others and if dont see one i like alot I will get a lion
out of the butterfly fish I think the racoon would be the logical choice being the easiest to care for
I highly recommend NOT doing a lionfish if you're going to have angels or triggers, but more so angels. They'll nip at the lions fins relentlessly.


if i go with the following fish
yellow tang
naso tang
blue tang
emp,blueface or majestic angel
flamed angel
racoon butterfly
aust tusk
green bird wrasse
I think have room for 1 more fish as the current list comes to about 88 inches of fish, suggestions ?
thanks for the help


That's a good looking list. Honestly, I'd do a school of Anthias or a couple smaller wrasse, just to mix it up against the larger fish.


is my tank too small for a clown trigger ? i understand that If i got this fish that I would have too make some changes to my stock list


another question how active are most triggers and large angels ? are they as active as tangs tend to be ?
the reason I ask is that most tangs need a tank thats 8x their size in lengt, I was wondering if this rule apply to angels and triggers