Can I get a Manderin?

clown boy

Active Member
In my 135 gallon reef, I occasionally spot a copode scooting about. I have seen quite a bit... sometimes as many as 10 or so hanging out together at night. How many do I need to be able to get a Manderin?


You need thousands upon thousands of copepods to support a manderin. It is their only source of food.


I don't know about thousands upon thousands but you definitely need alot.
How much lr do you have and how long has the tank been setup?
Do you have a refugium? That is the best way to insure an adequate pod population for a madarin.


Active Member
Can you? Yes absolutely...Should you? not necessarily.

sorry could resist. I agree with zan

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by SUDC
How much lr do you have and how long has the tank been setup?
Do you have a refugium? That is the best way to insure an adequate pod population for a madarin.
I have a lot of LR... I don't exactly know the weight, but my tank is packed with it.
I bought an established setup, so it's been mine for around 8 months, but it's been set up for years.
Ummm... what's a refugium? Is that another word for a sump?

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by saltfish123
yea i agree but you can buy bottled copepods from this site if you want to kick start your population
Ok, thanks.


Active Member
135 gallon packed with rock you should be fine. most likely you will never see your copepods, even the biggest ones are only about 1/8" long.
a refugium is a sump with a sandbed and macro algae in it. you could also have a hang on one. basically a sump with live rock will do to help grow pods as well. but as suggested, buy a couple bags of copepods, let them grow and multiply, if you're worried.
personally, i'd say you're ok for a mandarin.


Active Member
i should ammend: i think you are ok IF you have a sump or a fuge that can grow pods in there CB. sry


Im a little confused... you asked what a fuge was... and you have one?
If that is the case, put some live rock in the fuge, maybe a thing of 200 pods, and you should be good to go.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
What other pod eating fish does your tank have?
I don't have any at the moment...

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by scotty37
Im a little confused... you asked what a fuge was... and you have one?
I don't know what a fuge is... but a have a sump... LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
I don't know what a fuge is... but a have a sump... LOL
There are no precise definitions, but in general:
A Sump is an extra body of water connected to your display tank used to house skimmer, heater, Calcium reactor, etc.
A Refugium is an extra body of water, connected to your display tank, that houses a "refuge" for breeding with no fear of predation.