oh boy..that sounds like me 18 or 20 years ago.
druggie boyfriend. cops. my parents wanted to kill me.
I got with him when I was 16. Luckily for me, I never got into the drugs or anything like that..I never even tried smoking cigerettes (of anykind) but my parents wouldnt have believed that anyway..given the company I was keeping.
long story short here..
The more my parents tried to talk sense into me, the worse I got, the more they tried to help, the farther they pushed me away. Finally one night in a crank induced rage, he beat the livin hell outta me..and the cops had to come and get me, take me to the hospital ~having a miscarriage and him to jail. After that my parents backed off..left me alone. They couldnt take it anymore..I never felt more alone. After I got home from the hospital, he beat the S#*% outta me again, luckily the nieghbors heard and called the police. They came and got me one more time. it was then that I seen who the angels were, dragging the no good slimebag off of me and hauling him to jail again. They came in blue uniforms and saved me not once but twice. FINALLY I saw the light. I was 20 years old. They took me to my dad that night..and I never ever looked back at that life again. Id had enough. Finally.
Youre not alone, Cindy. I think everyone must have to go thru this crap at some point in some way or another.
Im so sorry for what I put my parents thru in those years..and hopefully your daughter will wake up before she gets hurt like I did. Im sorry you have to go thru it too. .
*More huggs for you Cindy*