Can I Get A Trashcan For Topoff Water???


OK, im getting tired of making topoff water EVERYDAY for my tank and was wondering if i could go get a 32gal trashcan and fill that up and if so what do i need to get so that the water doesnt deoxenginize or whatever???


Active Member
I've used them for years. I do have pumps keeping the water moving and thermometers to keep the water at a good temp. Most recommend rubbermaid.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jumpfrog
I've used them for years. I do have pumps keeping the water moving and thermometers to keep the water at a good temp. Most recommend rubbermaid.


Active Member
You want to keep the water from going stagnant and losing it's oxygen content. But, yes, many of us use plastic trash cans for water storage.


I just ran my RO filter to make 30-gal in a rubbermaid last Sunday. But 3 days after running my wimpy little airstone through it, the pH is lower than normal freshwater (I think it was 6.0). At one time I had a power head in there with the venturi air tubing hooked up and the pH tested at least 7. So I think it makes a difference. I don't have an extra power head either because this is only an issue when I'm doing a water change (which is not often
) and then I use my extra PH in the mixing tank. When using the airstone, at least I weigh it down with something so the air has to travel the entire height of the trash barrel to make it to the surface. Of course a larger air pump would work much better, but I'm using one of the smallest kind there is, so it's no wonder it doesn't do that good a job. That's an upgrade for another day.